March 10th, 2017 – A Matter of Defintion

Cuddling or snuggling?  What is the difference?

I don’t know when or where I made this distinction, but at some point I remember defining cuddling as still and snuggling as not still. So, for example, when Liam is sitting in my lap and we are reading BFG we are, for the most part, cuddling.  But when Benjamin has his head in my lap and I am playing with this hair and patting his tummy, we are snuggling.

Tonight was my school’s fun fair and, of course, I brought my boys and allowed them a night a frivolity much passed their bedtime.

As we rushed through the routine and we turned off the lights, Ben asked, “Daddy, can we snudgel?  A smile flitted…this was our thing.  A cross between cuddle and snuggle.  I laid with him and he fell fast asleep.  I peeped my eyes up to Liam’s bunk as I stood up and saw he was still awake.

“Daddy?  Can I get a snudgel, too?”  Ha!  Two-for-one special.

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